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  • Wendi Wilson

Iniquitous by Bianca Scardoni

Oh. My. God.

Okay, I'm going to be honest here. It's been a long time since I read Invidious, book 2 of The Marked Series. Just shy of eleven months. Now, I read A LOT of books. Hell, I've written two books since I read it. I also have a terrible memory, so I can honestly say when I started this, I had no idea what happened in Invidious. I only remember that I loved it.

That, however, did not stop me from diving right into Iniquitous. And it wasn't a problem. Bianca's writing is so magnificent, her storytelling so well-developed, that I was immediately sucked right back into Jemma's world. Like I'd never left.

I fell in love with these characters all over again... Jemma is strong. She's taking what life and destiny have handed her and doing what needs to be done. Trace is just as amazing as ever. And Dominic- I've always had a love/hate relationship with him, but it started leaning toward the love side with Invidious. Now I adore him.

That ending, though. I remember wanting to punch someone in the face when I read book 1 and I'm feeling the urge come over me again. I can't stop thinking about it and the implications for each of the characters.

This story is ahhhh-mazing! Read the books. Do it now. Really. I give Iniquitous FIVE very enthusiastic stars. It was unputdownable!

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